May 19, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--The JLA Edition & a Surprise!


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Another week has come and gone and it was once again uneventful! My work internship program continues to go well. My group is making great progress on our objective so I feel like we're making good time on things! I've also been give extra tasks for our upcoming busy season this year. I hope this means good things for me further down the line, so we will see! I'm already dreading our busy season though, it gets crazy! And hearing that we will be slowly starting to do some of the busy tasks fills me with dread since I'm still in my internship program until the end of June. But it will be will be okay. At least that's what I am telling myself! Lol. In what was a completely shocking surprise my B&N preorder actually showed up this week! It was supposed to come Friday, but by the end of day tracking said it was being inducted into the USPS system...the same thing it had been saying since Wednesday. So by end of day Friday the update was changed to next week for a delivery date but then before noon yesterday I got a USPS notification saying another package was coming as I was already tracking 3, so I was hopeful this meant my book was recovered from the Sorting Center of No Return and it was!! So that was exciting! Lol.

Here's what I got this week:

The House That Horror Built by Christina Henry--the best surprise of the week! I was already fit to be P'OED with B&N again for another delayed delivery. I was still miffed that it was late again, but since it's in the release week, I will be lenient this time! Lol.

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout--SIGNED Apollycon Edition! One of these years I hope to actually GO to Apollycon! I had held out on hope that it would travel to a different city like they initially said but then they made DC their home. So then I attended The Origin Event which was amazing and they said that would be a mini version of Apollycon that would travel...but it never went beyond that one and done event. So you can understand my devastation over the years and then I actually tried to buy tickets several times now and failed irrevocably every. Single. Time. Then ever since Covid they stopped doing the virtual signings for all the authors, which, okay, I can understand it being taxing on the authors, but it was a letdown since SO many authors I want to meet for the first time ever attend this event and only this event in the US and every single time I fail to get tickets.

But anyway, despite my failures I continue to buy Jennifer's books since she puts them up in her shop!

Then at LONG LAST, after seeing everyone in the world, it seems, get their FL copies of JLA's Dark Elements trilogy, my set FINALLY ARRIVED!

White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout--digitally signed!
Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout--
digitally signed!
Every Last Breath by Jennifer L. Armentrout--
digitally signed!


I'll admit I was a bit thrown by Jennifer's signature here. Since it doesn't look like her current one, but I am fairly positive this was her OG signature before she became insanely popular! Sadly, all my OG copies from her are in storage, so I can't compare them just yet. It was just a bit startling to see them at first after I got my most recent hand signed copy from her, but I know authors change their signature over time. It's actually fun to see if you are able to see them enough times! I know I've met Jennifer a few times back in my RT days! God, I miss those cons!

Then I got my amazing LitJoy Crate order! I went rogue and bought the super cool Kingdom of the Wicked letter opener! I am sucker for replica blades! I really hope they do one for Jacks' from the Caraval/OUABH series! The ones I have are nice, but they are nowhere near this epic quality!

And that was it for me this week! Not too bad all things considered! What did you get?

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