May 3, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #304


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: May is the month of new beginnings or fresh starts. Could you suggest a book with themes about growth, renewal, or personal transformation? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

MY ANSWER: Whoa. Heavy prompt. Well, any book I'd choose will be fictional. I mean I don't read nonfiction of any book to help oneself with personal growth and renewal, so keep that in mind.

My most recent book that I think fits this topic was Kelley Armstrong's Murder at Haven's Rock.

This book is a combo/spinoff of her Rockton series. It's really the same series but a change in location happened within the book, so it basically got a new series name so it wasn't confused with being in the same town. Same townspeople for the most part, just a new town!

Anyway, the series originally started with this being a town of people who are looking to get away from society for awhile and have a fresh start. Sometimes the "towns person" might have been escaping from an abusive partner or witnessed something that put them in a bad spot. Like a witness protection program so to speak. But then other new residents ended up being criminals trying to escape the law and had the cash to get this fresh start.

But the people we followed and grew to love were among the good sort. They were ones who maybe did something in their past they aren't proud of and wanted a fresh start, a new chance whereas some other characters were just looking to escape justice and probably commit the same crimes again in a new locale. So not always good guys, but the main circle of characters were ones who needed the fresh start and have utilized the town's original purpose to the fullest!

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