May 10, 2024

Review--Dark Stars by Danielle Rollins


Dorothy finds herself completely alone.

Roman is dead. The Chronology Protection Agency wants nothing to do with her. The Black Cirkus no longer trusts her. And Ash… Ash is gone.

Dorothy has seen the evidence with her own eyes—she knows that she was the one who killed Ash. But she still has no idea how, when, or—most important—why. But the discovery of several missing pages from the Professor’s journal drives a narrow sliver of hope into her heart.

Without a ship, it should be impossible for Dorothy to travel through time. But for Ash, Dorothy will do anything to not only create the present that will protect Ash—but also to save what’s left of their ruined world.

The satisfying conclusion to Danielle Rollins’s Dark Stars series brings new meaning to the idea that “love is timeless.”

I finished Danielle Rollins’ Dark Stars, bringing an end to the Dark Stars trilogy! This has been a whirlwind of exciting moments through a world with time traveling that I’ll admit did a get bit overwhelming with all the time jumping, but for me at least, it was expected.

Dorothy tentatively rejoins the Chronology Protection Agency, though they are not willing to trust her like they used to, and is determined to find Ash. Zora fears the worst and thinks Dorothy is to blame but Dorothy knows she would never do anything to hurt him, so she’s determined to find him. But that is proving to be a difficult fete itself. It will take everything but if knowledge Dorothy has to find him. Which naturally involves quite a bit of time traveling.

Meanwhile, Mac is thoroughly in control of Dorothy’s gang and their hideout. He’s put a hit on both Dorothy and Ash so the entire Black Cirkus and everyone else in the city is looking for them.

I’ll admit this book got a wee bit confusing with so many trips back and forth throughout time. It was hard to keep up with what was happening at times. Mainly the times when Dorothy was going back to the past where another version of herself once was and not just before she started this adventure with Ash. So it’s a little mind boggling when you think about it, but makes a good deal of sense as you read it. 

Dorothy’s mission remains the same, find Ash, stop Mac, and basically save the world even if it means putting an end to time traveling adventures once and for all. 

I really enjoyed the ending of this one! It got a little twisted but thankfully a look back out some things into perspective. But then the last chapter of the book really threw me through a loop and I was left with so many unanswered questions. By a bit of context I kind of got some idea of what happened but bigger questions were still left unanswered and I was left staggering for the hows and whys of it all!

Regardless of the puzzle of questions, I did feel like things ended in a good place. It’s definitely up for interpretation. My version of it is that it’s all good things! Lol. How they came about is the question though. Of course that does make the cover a bit of a mystery as well as my theory for it originally didn’t have enough fodder to give it base. But yes, Dark Stars was a puzzling, yet ultimately a satisfying end to the series! Definitely worth a read if you enjoy time traveling series!

Overall Rating 3.5/5 stars






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