Feb 28, 2014

Mini Review--Grave Matters by Jana Oliver

A legendary Demon Trapper, Riley Blackthorne frequently battles with Hell’s minions. So when she travels to Scotland to meet up with her hunky boyfriend, and celebrate her eighteenth birthday, she’s thrilled at the chance to leave Atlanta and its troubles behind.

Denver Beck, who has been studying for months to become a Grand Master – a rare and highly dangerous job -- is just as eager to see his girl. He’s anticipating a romantic reunion, keen to take their relationship to the next level. But Riley’s twisted history with Hell has garnered unwelcome interest by people willing to use her for their own purposes. Trouble is brewing in the land of the heather, the kind that will drive a wedge between her and Beck, and prove the ultimate test of their love . . . and their survival skills.

Bonus content includes four demon illustrations by artist Mark Helwig and two Demon Trappers short stories.

Grave Matters is Jana Oliver's novella that takes place after her Demon Trappers series ended. One more look at the life of Riley and Beck and I was on so happy to have read it!

Beck is in Scotland training to be a Grand Master and Riley is paying him a visit. But things go horribly wrong the minute she steps off the plane and gets kidnapped by people who want to use her to raise "an angel" to heal a dying child. Naturally, that didn't pan out the way the people thought and Riley is lucky to have escaped with only a few cuts and bruises.

Safe in Beck's arms, she can finally begin the vacation she was looking forward to. But something's different. She feels more afraid than she ever has before. And soon that fear starts to build a wall between her and Beck. One she isn't sure will break.

Again, I sooo loved this novella! Riley and Beck are just amazing. Imagine my surprise to have to read trouble brewing between them when I had thought those days long past. But Jana doesn't disappoint! Short as the novella is at 134 pages, this is still a pretty lengthy story and I mean that in a good way! Packed with lots of action battling demons, sprinkled with bits of romance, and a growing mystery as to who our bad guy is--the one who had plans for Riley and set things into motion--this makes for one intense and exciting read!

Not sure if this will be the last of Riley and Beck. I certainly hope not! But I will continue to look forward to Jana's books, because they are always exciting and filled with engaging characters!

As a bonus, I now have Personal Demons and Retro Demonlogy in print! Plus there are illustrations of a few of the demons Riley's come across and those were incredible to see as well!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars