This was another meh week. It drrrrrraaaaagggggged. No job prospects either, so it was a real drag. Honestly looking back, I can't think of anything worthy to note. I did listen to my first ever fact I'm listening to it as I write this post! It's Office Ladies where Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey just kind of reflect back on the episodes of The Office! It just started so I am listening to them remember the pilot episode. This is surprising me because I never thought I'd enjoy Podcasts, but this is pretty fun!
Anyways, here's what I bought this week:
The Dollhouse Murders by Betty Ren Wright--I remember watching the movie from the 90s endlessly and I saw that they released this 35th anniversary edition of the book it was based on earlier this year so I tracked down a copy last Sunday and bought it!
Seven Crows by Kate Kessler--an impulse buy when I was sent a coupon!
Reveal Me by Tahereh Mafi
The Vampire's Priceless Treasure by Kristen Painter--I'm still about 1 or 2 books behind in this series, but I had to buy this when I was told it was out!
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo--the Illumicrate Edition!!
For review from the publisher I received:
Chosen by Kristen White (ARC)
THANK YOU Simon Pulse!!
Other goodies I received:
My signed copy of The Burning Shadow came without the sleeve, but luckily the Fountain Bookstore sent me one since there was a mishap with my order! It's so cute!
My last Beacon Book Box Goodie edition! It was another one that was just sort of meh, for me but I got the last cover for Finale so I'm done! The cover was gorgeous too! I can't wait to buy another set of the trilogy to decorate them in these cover editions!
And that's it for me this week! What did you get?