Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
Omg!!! This book! This book is sooo freaking creepy and weird and bizarre and I am LOVING IT!!!
"I feel it. Panic. It's a wet, slippery creature forcing its way up my throat. I clamp my teeth down and dig my fingernails into my palms. I will not panic. I will not scream. I will not run." p 191
TITLE: Rules for Vanishing
AUTHOR: Kate Alice Marshall
PUBLISHER: Viking Books for Young Readers
GENRE: YA Horror
RELEASE DATE: September 24, 2019
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Character Traits I Love (submitted by Hannah @ Books Life and Other Oddities)
*in no particular order
10. FAIL & TRY AGAIN--I guess I like seeing the character struggle and maybe actually fail the first time they try something. It makes them feel more relatable to me.
9. DARING--love a character who's willing to be daring and take on deadly challenge head on!
8. BRAVERY--so being different than daring, I like when a character is brave when it comes to their personal relationships. I guess something more on an emotional level vs action related.
7. WEAKNESSES--all characters have them, but I guess I relate more to characters who have a physical weakness. Since I grew up with my own health issues that led me to be the slowest one in class and not able to participate all the time, I like when a character isn't all gun-ho running champion of the world with a degree in self-defense or whatever. Lol.
6. ANIMAL LOVER--though my own dogs drive me insane sometimes--most of the time--I admit that I do love animals and I like when the book characters do too!
5. WRITER--they are few and far between but I do like seeing a character taking on the role of writer in the novel. It's just fun to see because I imagine the author adding in their own tendencies and traits when it comes to certain writing elements!
4. SMART ASS/WISE CRACKER/SNARKY--I like it when my heroines and heroes are wise crackers or just plain snarky! It adds fun to the story I think because I too make a wise cracking response to things if the situation calls for it!
3. OUTSPOKEN--I'm one of those weird people who are both shy and outspoken. Granted, I only start getting outspoken when I know the people I'm around, but I love a character who will say what they feel.
2. BLOGGER--granted, there's only ever been one I read about--pretty sure you all know the one--but I gotta admit, I loved seeing that!
1. READER--without a doubt I adore reading about a heroine or hero who also loves to read! I mean it's just absolutely perfect when that happens!

I shared a few of the same traits on my list. I went more along personality traits, but I like that you included other things like reader and blogger.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with you more on animal lovers.
ReplyDeleteHere is our Top Ten Tuesday.
Great list! I'm also here for animal loving characters!
ReplyDeleteYes, I also enjoy reading about characters who try again after failing. It makes me more likely to do the same thing. :)
ReplyDeleteMy TTT.
Of course you know I'm all for animal lovers. I also really want to read The Rules for Vanishing. Great list!
ReplyDeleteOoh I like that quote! And I would love to see more blogger characters.