I keep hoping and praying each week will be better, but sadly, it's just not there yet. This week I was told that they are FINALLY making a plan for me here at work. It only took them 5 and 1/2 months to do it. They're finally giving me something to do...only I still have to wait another week or so until my old manager gets back to help train/guide me through everything. Which is kind of ridiculous. They keep wanting to make all these plans for me, yet they always tell me that and then vanish for a week or 3 months. I did get two phone calls while I was at work and unable to answer them and when I tried calling back once I got home, they had left their jobs for the day. So hopefully Monday I will get some call backs on something! Fingers crossed!
Amazingly enough I didn't buy any books this week! Weird, right? Lol! But I did get some fun stuff and I won a book too...though I had it in hardcover! I honestly don't even remember entering this contest! Might have just been one I saw and thought pretty cover! Lol!
I won:
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert--the paperback in the new color design!
Fun stuff I got this week:
Another gorgeous custom Funko from Pages of the Night! Can you guess who it is??
Then in a trade with Eileen from Book Cat Pin I got this Beauty & the Beast bookmark!
THANK YOU Eileen!!
Then I bought this one from LitJoy Crate:
My weird obsession with coins continues! This one is the Ministry of Magic coin!
And finally I bought the new Veronica Mars TV Season on DVD! It apparently got mixed reviews but I'd rather just buy this then mess with trying to subscribe to Hulu for a month!
And that was it for me this week! What did you all get?