Oct 27, 2019

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.

I keep hoping and praying each week will be better, but sadly, it's just not there yet. This week I was told that they are FINALLY making a plan for me here at work. It only took them 5 and 1/2 months to do it. They're finally giving me something to do...only I still have to wait another week or so until my old manager gets back to help train/guide me through everything. Which is kind of ridiculous. They keep wanting to make all these plans for me, yet they always tell me that and then vanish for a week or 3 months. I did get two phone calls while I was at work and unable to answer them and when I tried calling back once I got home, they had left their jobs for the day. So hopefully Monday I will get some call backs on something! Fingers crossed!

Amazingly enough I didn't buy any books this week! Weird, right? Lol! But I did get some fun stuff and I won a book too...though I had it in hardcover! I honestly don't even remember entering this contest! Might have just been one I saw and thought pretty cover! Lol!

I won:

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert--the paperback in the new color design!

Fun stuff I got this week:

Another gorgeous custom Funko from Pages of the Night! Can you guess who it is??


Then in a trade with Eileen from Book Cat Pin I got this Beauty & the Beast bookmark!

THANK YOU Eileen!!

Then I bought this one from LitJoy Crate:

My weird obsession with coins continues! This one is the Ministry of Magic coin!

And finally I bought the new Veronica Mars TV Season on DVD! It apparently got mixed reviews but I'd rather just buy this then mess with trying to subscribe to Hulu for a month!

And that was it for me this week! What did you all get?