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This week's question is: If you had the money what would your
own personal library look like? What would be in it? What colors,
decorations, etc would you put in it? - via The Realm of Books
MY ANSWER: Since the question was changed last week and I was MIA and unable to correct it, I decided to just roll with it! So today I'll answer last week's question!
BAM! I'd soooooo have this as my library!
I've also found pics a few years back and had them in a post, so I'll re-share!
This is the bedroom!
The entryway!
The study
A staircase somewhere in the house!
Part of the living room
Another staircase!
A corner of the room, gonna say this is on the other side of the staircase from above! ;)
And that is a selection of the rooms from my Book Girl Dream House! Now I need to win the lottery so I can have this place built! The library, naturally, is still my favorite room!