For millennia, Cassiel was a powerful Djinn--until she was exiled to live among mortals. Reluctant at first, she has grown affectionate towards her new human compatriots. But for one Warden in particular, she feels something much more powerful.
After Warden Luis Rocha and Cassiel rescue an adept child from a maniacal Djinn, they soon realize two things: The girl is already manifesting an incredible amount of power and her kidnapping was not an isolated incident.
All over the world, young Wardens are showing their potential far too early. And this Djinn--aided by her devoted followers--is snatching children seemingly at will and indoctrinating them so she can use their strength for herself.
With no other options, Cassiel infiltrates the Djinn's organization. Deprived of the ethereal gifts allowed her by the Wardens, she soon begins to question her own ideas of right, wrong, and true power. But if Cassiel cannot stop the Djinn's apocalyptic designs, all of humanity may be destroyed--including Luis.
Sadden as I am about the Weather Wardens ending, I am still eager to return to the same world Rachel Caine has created and follow Cassiel around, the Djinn turned human. Cassiel is becoming more human as the books move on and her Djinn ways and attitude are almost a thing of the past. Unseen is a great addition to the series and I am eager to see where Cassiel's journey is going to take us!
But the war that has been brewing is not over, in fact, this book takes place around the time of Cape Storm, for it's mentioned that Joanne and Lewis are out at sea. So it's kind of like going back in time now to see what's happening on Cassiel's front. And she is still dealing with the Djinn, Pearl, who has gone batsh*t crazy and trying to control the young potential Warden children. And it's working.
This series continues on like the Weather Wardens had. The time between books isn't long, but long for our wait and I was grateful for the brief recap in the beginning, much like Joanne gave us.
Cassiel and Luis continue to grow closer and at surprisingly slow rate compared to Joanne and David, who were in love by the end of book 1, but I like Cassiel and Luis' gradual romance, and I still like Joanne and David's as well. Things progress between the two, which makes everything harder when Cassiel has to leave both Luis and Isabel when she decides to take a shot at Pearl.
The pacing to the story was good, if a little bit slow here and there, but it didn't last long. There was yet another annoying cliffhanger, I hate and love those things. Hate because the wait til the next book is so long, love because they are done exceptionally well!
Overall I give this one 4/5 stars!
**Trying to make my reviews somewhat more shorter so they are easier to read. Let me know if you like the shortness or if you like my longer ramblings! Don't mind either way, just trying some things out here!