Jun 25, 2019

Review--You Owe Me a Murder by Eileen Cook

Seventeen-year-old Kim gets more than she bargained for when she is set up for murder. Perfect for fans of One of Us is Lying, E. Lockhart, and Gillian Flynn.

17-year-old Kim never expected to plot a murder. But that was before her boyfriend dumped her for another girl. Now, Kim’s stuck on a class trip to London with him and his new soulmate and she can’t help wishing he was a little bit dead, even if she’d never really do that.

But when Kim meets Nicki, a stranger on the plane who’s more than willing to listen to Kim’s woes, things start to look up. Nicki's got a great sense of humor, and when she jokes about swapping murders, Kim plays along—that is, until Kim’s ex-boyfriend mysteriously dies.

Blackmailed by Nicki to fulfill her end of the deal, Kim will have to commit a murder or take the fall for one.

I received this book from the Amazon Vine program in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

Eileen Cook's You Owe Me a Murder is her latest thriller mystery that will have you on the edge of your seat and trying to guess the outcome! It's the kind of mystery that held me riveted with every page turned and it had me questioning everything! It was a heart-racing read that I could not get enough of.

Kim is on a class trip that she initially signed up for in order to win her ex-boyfriend back. Or at the very least find some other guy to date and make him insanely jealous. She had signed up for the trip pre-breakup and her parents really wouldn't let her out of the trip because they thought the trip would be a good learning experience for her and yadda, yadda, yadda.

It's while waiting for a delayed flight that she meets Nikki, another traveler who happens to be on her flight too. She and Nikki really hit it off and Kim vents out a lot of her emotions over the breakup with Connor while Nikki vents about her overbearing, alcoholic mother. Nikki jokes that she should kill Connor for Kim and Kim would kill her mother, and thus put an end to their troubles. It's the perfect set of crimes for neither of them would have a connection to the "victim." Kim laughs it off as a drunken kind of promise since alcohol was involved in their conversation.

But it's not long into Kim's trip that it happens. Connor is killed when he "falls" in front of the oncoming train. It's gruesome and Kim is suddenly reminded of the conversation she had with Nikki. When Kim finally finds Nikki again, it's only because Nikki wants Kim to fulfill her end of the bargain they made, but Kim isn't a killer and doesn't want to bow to Nikki's whims.

This was quite the page-turner! Kim is you totally logical kind of girl, basically the complete opposite of myself, but she has her ordinary struggles too. The whole fiasco with Connor was an eyeopener, and it started to make you wonder if there was more to this story as well. There have been plenty of books and such where multiple personality disorder took place and the heroine or hero wasn't sure of what was real and what wasn't. I won't get into more details than that, but it was something that came to my mind and was eventually addressed in the book.

The pacing was really intense! It was one that had thoroughly engaged as the story has a sort of countdown to number of days. As to what those days are...well, it becomes clearer as the story moves along and I don't think it's much of a spoiler, but I won't say what it counted down to.

The story wasn't without romance either. While Kim was still somewhat pining for Connor and what they had, she did know that the relationship was over. That didn't stop romance from finding her. It was a sweet sort of romance and it didn't play a big role in the story, which was also nice!

The characters were pretty great too! Mainly, Kim and Nikki! Kim being logical and Nikki being, you know, murderous and little bit of batsh*t crazy! Lol. You gotta love a good evil villain! This book pretty much had it all! Eileen Cook is a talented writer for the YA Thriller genre and her style has me coming back again and again! If you're looking for a good thriller read, look no further!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars