Jun 2, 2019

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.

Well, I survived another week. *shudders* Now with our hockey team in the run for the Stanley Cup I'm worried what my evening traffic will be like as I am at the same exit as our arena. *shudders* Not much else to report from the week. I'm ready for a vacation. I just need to find one.

Here's what I bought this week:

Finale by Stephanie Garber--the UK Waterstones SIGNED editions! I now have all FOUR covers and I am as happy as a clam about that!

Then for review from the publishers I received:
The Girl in Red by Christina Henry (Early Copy)
Into the Crooked Place by Alexandra Christo (ARC)
A Dream So Dark by L.L. McKinney (ARC)--I still haven't read the first book and am still hesitant about it after the reviews I read, but I have high hopes still and when I saw Edelweiss had this one as a download, I might have jumped the gun and clicked it. 

THANK YOU Berkley, Feiwel and Friends, and Imprint!
Then I ended up only buying one extra t-shirt from the bookish shirt sale from my favorite website. They've gotten pricier over the years and I could only condone buying one more! So here it is...

Compared to pretty much every other reader I know out here in the blogosphere, I'm not so much a speed reader. LOL. So the sloth calling himself that felt right! I like to think I'm a fast reader, but I'm really not! Lol.
And the creme de la creme of the non-book items was...
Target had a Memorial Weekend sale going on online and my bookcases were among them! Not only was this one on sale, but there was an extra savings! I got a steal on this one!! I can't wait to fill it!
AND THEN I received two gift cards this week! One was from Mastercard for spending too much and the other came from Sandy at Somewhere Only We Know for the 2019 Series Enders Reading Challenge for April!


And that was it for me this week! I did a bit more of online shopping over the weekend. Damn sales...but though I bought from a few shops, I didn't go crazy! I can't wait until everything arrives and I can show it off! :D What did you all get?