Aug 14, 2022

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Another week has come and gone and I really can't remember how it went! Lol. I will say that working from home is really nice in the sense that I'm always comfortable and can have TV in the background for noise. I'm rewatching Lost currently, with commercials, but it's fun! That show was wild! Though, I will say this has the downside of me still not being great in social situations. At least an office would give me some kind of communication with the outside world. But there's no point in wishing since our whole team is remote. But yeah, it has its ups and downs.

Really excited that Stephanie was able to announce her tour schedule after all because I was soooo excited that she was returning to Naperville! It's a 4.5 hour drive for me which isn't terrible, it's just extremely exhausting on the return trip, but I save on airfare and baggage checks since you all know I'm gonna have a huge pile to get signed this time around! Lol!


I didn't add too much to my pile this week, which was nice! But also nice that I still got stuff in the mail! Two things surprised me with their early arrivals because I never received shipment notification on one! So that was a plus!

A Spark Within the Forge by Sabaa Tahir, Nicole Andelfingr, & Sonia Liao--finally managed to get this one!
These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall--super excited to read this one! As soon as I saw "The Haunting of Hill House" I stopped reading what it was about and preordered it!
Enchant by Michaela Smeltzer--I'm more than likely going to try attending Apollycon next year. Fingers crossed on the tickets, lol. And when I saw this author would be there I thought I would finally get this book in my TBR and read it! **And then be devastated over the lack of a book 3 as from the looks of it, the series was cancelled.
Covet by Michaela Smeltzer
The King Will Kill You by Sarah Henning--I HAD to order the final book signed since my first two were signed! OCD demanded that I save myself the stress and just order it signed! Lol.

And that was it for me this week! No other bookish or semi bookish items! Pretty tame all things considered...which is good since next month at this time there will be a lot charges going through on my TBONA UK copies! Lol. What all did you get this week?