Teaser Tuesday is here again. The worst part of preordering a book online is that come release day you are STILL waiting to read the book! I preorderd Spirit Bound and it's going to take awhile to get here I just know it. I don't want to buy another copy too soon because with my luck it will come the day after I buy it. However if it doesn't come before Friday, I'll be buying a copy regardless because that's when Richelle comes to St. Louis! Still very excited about that!
Anyway, onto Teaser Tuesday. I almost finished with Magic on the Storm, so hopefully my copy of Spirit Bound will be here soon!
The Rules:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out two lines that are SPOILER free
4. Name the book, author, etc.
"'I'm staying right here, with you,' Zayvion said. 'Because I don't want to be anywhere else in the world.'" p78
TITLE: Magic on the Storm
AUTHOR: Devon Monk
GENRE: Urban Fantasy