May 28, 2010

Review--Moon Sworn



Shape-shifting werewolf and vampire Riley Jenson is through with death--and causing it, solving it, surviving it. Her soul mate, Kye Murphy, is dead--and at Riley's own hands. Not even the seductive embrace of her vampire lover, Quinn, can fully ease her mind, for she has begun questioning her job at the Directorate.

Now the ritualistically slain bodies of ex-cons have started turning up. Reluctantly, Riley takes the case, but something even worse is waiting in the wings. A vicious enemy from her past is determined to strip Riley of everything that gives her life meaning: her lover, her brother--and even her own identity. Can Riley survive this ultimate assault? All she knows is that she must fight one last time to find asnwers, before everything goes dark forever.

Well I read the last Riley Jenson book, Moon Sworn, in 1 whole day and I didn't even start a little last night. All 395 pages completed in one day! Yea me! And like my friends had told me, the ending was a good one. It wrapped things up rather nicely.

The ending left things closed, but as Keri has said, for her new series starting next year starring Risa, Dia's little girl, Riley and the others may pop in for a scene or two. Which will be nice, we get to see old, familiar characters while still learning about a new one entirely.

Moving on to actual review now...basically like the BOC describes Riley is still heartbroken over losing her soul mate, murderer that he was and of course the loss of Kade cut her deep as well. You really have to sympathize for Riley because she is going through so much pain. But she tries her best to deal with it once she is assigned to a new case.

But the case is only the beginning of her problems, quite literally as an old enemy returns and is out to make her life hell. And it really puts a damper on her life and everything in between. But Riley is a fighter and she is going to see this fight to the end even if it kills her.

This truly was a great ending to the series. And as a friend mentioned Quinn has grown on her in the last book or so and I agree. In book 1 I didn't care for him all that much and the way he wanted to be with Riley but wasn't going to allow them to become really serious and he still forbid her to see anyone else, even though she did, because she's Riley and doesn't like to be told to do anything in regards to her personal life. Now, Quinn has really changed and grown into a more capable man and vampire. Perhaps it was one of the short stories I read, can't remember which anthology...Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 1 or 2...where we get to see an event from Quinn's p.o.v. and then I believe the event is brought up even in one of the last few books as well.

In regards to his wonderful change in character, their relationship as a couple strengthened. Riley as a character is the same as always, but has grown in her own way as well. She is still strong and independent and sassy and lovable.

As sad as I am that the series is over, it does have a good ending that I enjoyed. One of the best endings to a series I have ever read! If you haven't read the series yet now is a great time to start because you can read the books straight through. I will miss Riley and her friends but look forward to seeing Risa and her friends and seeing the familiar faces as well.

Now onto more reading...