Hey all!!! Welcome to the first day of the Dawn Study Blog Tour brought to you by Rockstar Book Tours!! Today, I have the honor of interviewing the well-known, very much loved person...JANCO!
JESSICA: How did you meet Ari?
JANCO: After joining the Ixian military, my skills with a
sword soon became legendary. After I beat the Weapon’s Master, I was
transferred to the Commander’s guard.
Feeling pretty confident and perhaps a little cocky (I know – hard to
believe since I’m so modest!), I faced my first opponent with a bit of a
swagger in my step. He was a big brute
and I figured his moves would be slow. No problem. Except the guy was faster
than he looked and he knocked the swagger right out of me along with
consciousness. When I woke, I had to accept that I still had lots to learn and the
big brute, or rather Ari was willing to help me. We’ve been good friends ever
JESSICA: I got to ask, how are you able to think of your witty rhymes so quickly?
JANCO: Well, I gotta
be honest, I think some of them up when I’m bored. Like when I’m on a stake out
or waiting to ambush someone. Otherwise, I’d go crazy with boredom. Other times, I just pick up on my opponent’s
personality and I find the things that bug them – not hard to do and after a
bit of practice, it’s easier.
JESSICA: Ever think of settling down? *coughsOnoracoughs*
JANCO: Yes. I’ve
thought about it.
JESSICA: When you have free time, what do you enjoy doing?
JANCO: Free time? What’s that? Have you not read the books and seen what my
life is like? If I ever get any free time, I will enjoy sleeping on a real bed,
with a feather quilt and pillows – lots of pillows! Then I will have a hot meal
cooked in a kitchen – preferably cooked by Opal’s mother and I will savor it
and not shove it down my throat because something dire is about to happen.
JESSICA: What will you do next after this adventure with Yelena and
everyone is over?
JANCO: Recover! I’m sure we’ll be in the middle of something
bad that has dire consequences if we don’t put out 100 % effort and find some
clever way to stay alive. And if I’m
lucky enough to survive and do recover, my future will depend on how Ixia and
Sitia end up. I might have to become a freelancer or…gasp…work for Sitia. I
gotta see how my herd…er…family is doing and if I need to stay with them to
protect them. We got a foal…I mean baby
on the way and he/she might need some serious babyguards. Or I might settle
down – stranger things have happened!
Thanks for taking the time to chat, Janco!
As you all know, I ADORE this series!! It's been a favorite of mine long before I started this blog! But you will definitely find the newer titles in my review archives. I think I reviewed Fire Study here too! Anyway, my review of Dawn Study will go up tomorrow, so be sure to stop back here to see how much I loved it! Because you know I loved it!! ;)
About Dawn Study:
New York Times bestselling author Maria V. Snyder brings her Poison Study series to its exhilarating conclusion.
Despite the odds, Yelena and Valek have forged an irrevocable bond and a family that transcends borders. Now, when their two homelands stand on the brink of war, they must fight with magic and cunning to thwart an Ixian plot to invade Sitia.
Yelena seeks to break the hold of the insidious Theobroma that destroys a person's resistance to magical persuasion. But the Cartel is determined to keep influential citizens and Sitian diplomats in thrall and Yelena at bay. With every bounty hunter after her, Yelena is forced to make a dangerous deal.
With might and magic, Valek peels back the layers of betrayal surrounding the Commander. At its rotten core lies a powerful magician and his latest discovery. The fate of all rests upon two unlikely weapons. One may turn the tide. The other could spell the end of everything.
About the FABULOUS Author:
Maria V. Snyder changed from being a meteorologist to a
novelist in 1995, when she began writing to keep her sanity while raising two
children. Since then, she has published numerous freelance articles in
magazines and newspapers, and teaches fiction-writing classes at the local
college and area libraries. The classes give her the wonderful opportunity to
encourage fellow writers, and to keep improving her craft.
Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Maria always
had a fascination with big storms. Dreaming of chasing tornados, Maria earned a
bachelors of science degree in meteorology at Penn State University. But she
discovered, much to her chagrin, that forecasting the weather wasn't one of her
skills. In order to chase tornados you had to predict where they might form.
Creating fantasy worlds where she has complete control of the weather was more
agreeable to her.
Maria's research on food-tasting methods with an expert
chocolate taster, her husband, turned out to be a delicious bonus while writing
Poison Study.
Maria has a brown belt in Isshinryu Karate, and enjoys
playing volleyball and the cello. Traveling in general and via cruise ship in
particular are her biggest distractions from writing. Maria has traveled to
Belize, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Europe, Mexico, the Caribbean and through
the Panama Canal.
Maria lives with her husband, son, daughter and yellow lab,
Hazelnut, in Pennsylvania where she is at work on more LUNA novels. She is also
pursuing a master's degree in writing popular fiction from Seton Hill
Readers are welcome to contact Maria at the following email
address: maria@mariavsnyder.com.
Where you can find
Now for the Giveaway!!!
6 Winners will receive finished copies of DAWN STUDY, US
4 Winners will receive finished copies of DAWN STUDY, International.
Be sure to check out the rest of the tour:
Week One:
1/23/2017-a GREAT read- Interview
1/24/2017- Books for Thought- Review
1/25/2017- YABC- Guest
1/26/2017- Mundie Moms- Review
1/27/2017- Dark Faerie Tales- Interview
1/30/2017- Kindle and Me- Review
1/31/2017- Two Chicks on Books- Guest
2/1/2017- Eclectic
Ramblings of Author Heather Osborne- Review
2/2/2017- Moonlight Gleam Reviews- Interview
2/3/2017- The Bibliophile
Chronicles- Review