Well I survived another week. I always feel like January is the longest month. Don't ask me why when we have other 31 day months. It just feels like it takes forever to get through it all. Still no movement on the job search. I've another interview tomorrow for a position that I think would be a nice change. It's with a good company, it's close by, the hours would be really nice. So let's hope that interview goes well tomorrow! Good luck and wishes are appreciated! ;)
As far as books go, this week wasn't too bad. It was quiet, so quiet I almost forgot I had books ordered...and they arrived late, which always puts me in a bad mood...even if I can't read these books right away for multiple reasons! Lol! But here's what I bought:
The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson--I can finally binge this series...once I find the time!
Scooby Apocalypse Vol. 6 by Keith Giffen & Ill. by J.M. DeMatteis
A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer--SIGNED Fairy Loot edition! So happy to have this one in my collection!! And that it's actually signed on the title page just made me positively giddy! Lol!
For review from the publisher I received:
Crave by Tracy Wolff (ARC)--I am SOOOOO excited for a new vampire read!! It's been too long!!!
And that was it for me! What did you all get?