Book Subscription Boxes & Their Chosen Fandoms
When you're not a fan of Throne of Glass and you suddenly get a Throne of Glass related coffee mug, what do you do? Will you keep said mug because it's a good mug even though the quote on it just has that Throne of Glass vibe going on...or will you get rid of it via trade/sell/donation? I mean, I likened this to wearing another team's football jersey because you's game day and you "have" to wear a jersey, but they were "out" of your team's jersey. Do you decide to support the game/sport by wearing the other team jersey or do you just go without the jersey or in this case "items?"
I guess in some ways it just depends on the item. Is it one you will use frequently or want to use? Do you like the look of it? Does it still bring a smile to your face or you reminded of it being from that one book you just couldn't get into?
For me, I sometimes feel like I can't really use it if it's a wearable item or something worthy of use. I mean if it's a famous quote from a book I didn't like at all, what's the point of using it. When someone asks "oh, what's that quote from?" You'd be like, "oh, this book about 'x trying to 'x' 'x'" in a very bored voice. I mean that's even if you know what the book was about. If anything you might even say you have no idea! It was just in a box you paid for and didn't want to get rid of it.
Then there are those items you can do absolutely NOTHING with because it's purely a fangirl item of that particular book or series. I mean what can you do with artwork of a series you were made bored by just reading it's synopsis?
I mean I get why book boxes will pick the same series again and again and AGAIN because the fandom is pretty big. But you know, it'd be nice if once in awhile they could switch to another series by THAT author or pick another one entirely.
So if you get book subscription boxes, how do you feel about those items you get when they are not ones of your fandoms? I mean it as they are of fandoms you just couldn't get behind. What do you do with THOSE items?