Well it's a new year and a new decade! I'm hoping this year will prove to be better than the last one. That year was rough...and I feel like so far that roughness hasn't gone anywhere, but I know (as I write this) it's only been 4 days! Lol. Didn't add too many books to the TBR pile so I'm off to a decent start I suppose, lol! Though I watched one book for months on Amazon and it never went on sale and I can't in good conscience pay full price for a book on Amazon. That's just not right. I don't mind paying full price at author signings, but not with Amazon. Nope.
Here's what I got this week:
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Caroll & Ill. by Minalima--this was a belated Xmas gift I received and I cannot wait to re-read this beloved tale with all the gorgeous illustrations and interactive elements!
Plus an unpictured B&N Gift card!
Then in trades I received:
A Bad Day for Sunshine by Darynda Jones (ARC)
Happily and Madly by Alexis Bass
THANK YOU Vivien & Nanacosis!
And then I found my self on the Disney Store's website post holidays and saw the sock advent calendar was on sale with another savings on top of it, so I decided I HAD to have it because the socks were so cute!
And that's it for me this week! What all did you get?
I left them in the box for now. I figure maybe next year I'll treat myself to socks for 12 days!
And that's it for me this week! What all did you get?