Reading Slumps
Time and time again, I see some bloggers talking about being in a reading slump. I know we're all different when it comes to our reading passions but I for one have never really understood book slumps. I know sometimes we just might not be "feeling" the book, I've had plenty of those where I had to put it down and move onto the next. But I've never hit the point where I just can't get into a reading groove.
I guess one could call it lucky. And perhaps it is. I'm usually pretty careful in choosing what books I want in my Neverending TBR pile. A good chunk are from favorite authors/series, some are ones that had rave reviews and are ones I feel like I'd love too, and a random few are ones I decided to take a chance with...but you know, haven't read yet! Lol.
So in some way, shape or form, every TBR book I've selected are ones I realllllly want to read. I just need to somehow read faster and lose the need for sleep to actually get to them all.
Here's my question for you guys, how do you get out of a reading slump? What are some of your cure alls?