Mar 18, 2011

Friday Hops

This blogger hop was created by Jennifer at Crazy for Books.

Here are the rules:
1. Enter your book blog link in the Linky List below (be sure to include how long you've been blogging and what genres you review!). If you post about the Hop on your blog, please link directly to your Hop post (don't forget to answer this week's question - see below!).
2. Visit other blogs in the Linky List! Make new friends! Follow new book bloggers! Talk about books! Rave about authors! (Please do not leave your link and not visit other blogs - it's just not cool and not in the spirit of the Hop!)
3. Post about the Hop on your blog! Spread the word about the book party! The more the merrier!
4. In your blog post, answer the following question (new question each week!):

Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once?

MY ANSWER: I only read one book at a time. In my early days I would read more, but then it just got too hard to remember what was happening in each book. Even when attending school and having to read their book and mine it was a challenge, but it literally had to be done in high school. So now I read one at a time. And since I'm still job searching I can get it done fairly quick and move on to the next!

This is a weekly blog meme created by Parajunkee's View.

Here are the general rules to Follow Friday:
1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers -
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
8. If your new to the follow Friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!

This week's question is: How did you come up with your blog name?

MY ANSWER: Well, I started my blog so I could post a review for a contest and then I just kept going with the blog after some time. I was fashioning it to be a blog where I talked about the books I read. And the book that started it was Rachel Vincent's Pride. I wanted to talk about how awesome and great it was and what I liked about it. So I just kind of called it: a GREAT read, to emphasize on its greatness! Although my earlier reviews are pretty bad compared to how I write them now. They're still a little disorganized which is odd since I'm super organized, but I have been trying to work on that lately with my current reviews!


  1. Happy Follow Friday! Huh, it sounds like you sort of just fell into book blogging. It's great that you enjoyed it so much you kept going!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads

  2. Hi Jessica! I like the name of your blog. Simple and fun. :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Hi Jessica!
    I'm hopping through and I love the feel of your site.
    Interesting that you just sort of fell into blogging. You're very good at it. I am your newest follower!

  4. I love your blog name! It's really easy to remember too. :) I prefer to only read one book at a time, but sometimes I just have to do more than one. It has gotten confusing before!

    To answer the question you asked on my blog- I design greeting cards! Lol!

    Happy Friday!

  5. Hi old follower here just stopping by on the hop. Have a great weekend.

  6. Coming through on the blog hop.

    I have no problem reading two books at a time though it does not happen often. I generally like to finish one and then start another

  7. First off- Good luck with your job search! I used to read only one book at a time but I now read up to three at a time! It does feel crazy sometimes!
    Happy Hopping!

  8. Hey Jessica! Thanks for stopping by my blog once more =] I love the story behind how you came to be a blogger, that's a geat way to get into it! I used to read only one book at a time too, but now I have my "tired" books to read as well! haha Have a great weekend! And good luck with the job hunt of course

  9. Hey Jessica, just stopping by on the follow. Thank you for stopping by. I see great minds think alike. Isn't it great how passionate we are about books. Books keep me sane.
    Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
    See ya!
    Readaholics Anonymous

  10. *gasp* I love, love, love Rachel Vincent. I think it's cool that her work inspired you to blog about books. :-)

  11. Old follower stopping by! Have a great weekend!

    Kristin@ My Bookish Ways

  12. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend!

  13. hi

    thnx for stopping by my blog today
    Returning the favor!
    Have a wonderfull weekend!


  14. Thanks for stopping by the blog and for following! I am also following your blog. :)
    Jess @ Gone with the Words

  15. *Snaps for Rachel Vincent*! ;)
    And I am totally with you, I can only read one book at a time!
    Have a nice weekend Jess!

  16. Hey thanks for stopping by I'm an old follower too!:)
    Yeah I didn't know much about the url at first either. :/
    But have a great day

  17. Hiya there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am your newest follower now.

    Sandra @

    Ttyl and I look forward to reading more from your site! :)

  18. I think writing great reviews is something that takes time. Especially them being organized.
    Your name is great because I remember it. Maybe it's because I've heard it enough, your a familiar blogger to me cause you visit me often, but the name fits.

  19. Hopping through. And did you win the contest that you started the blog for? Glad you kept going.
    My Hop

  20. Hey Jess!
    I think reading one book at a time is the good way to go, I can get confused when reading more books at a time and hook up different characters.:))

    And I like your blog name, it's simple but it totally makes the point.;)
    Have a fab weekend!

  21. Hey Jess,

    Thanks for always stopping by and saying Hi! I like the name of your blog, mostly because it is easy for me to remember.

    I hope you have an awesome weekend!!

    Megan Marie


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