Mar 27, 2011

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly blog post hosted by Kirsti over at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

Had a decent week this week I guess. March was sort of a slow month for releases so it's allowing me to catch up on my TBR pile!

Anyway from Simon & Schuster for review I got Jeri Smith-Ready's Shift!

Already read and reviewed with a review to come later on

Then in the mail came books I ordered:


One Hundred Candles by Mara Purnhagen

Then in also the mail I got my SIGNED copy of Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton that I won in a contest at the Deadline Dames!! Thanks again Kelly!

Also in the mail came Angels' Blood that I won in a contest from Angela at Reading Angel, thanks Angela!

Angels' Blood by Nalini Singh

That's what I got in my mailbox this week! Pretty good week if I do say so myself!!