Sep 5, 2012

Breaking News!


I just dropped by Chloe's blog where she answers a few questions regarding her books! And I am sad to report that she says there won't be anymore Dark Elite books! Aah!

She says, and I quote from her blog: "Unfortunately, there are no current plans for any further books in the series."

So I don't know if she means that for the rest of time there will never be anymore Dark Elite books, or if that maybe in another 7 years she might decide to write another or if the publishers weren't interested in buying more or what. 

I am just sad to report that this is what Chloe says on her blog. So come January--around when her previous books in this series released--there will be no new Dark Elite book.

I'm going to miss Lily, Scout, the boys and all the secrets still left unresolved in this world. Sigh...