Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
Not much to add to the shelves this week, still haven't gotten Jeanne Stein's latest Anna book either! Walmart and Target don't seem to be getting it! :P
But anyway, I did buy:
Archangel's Storm by Nalini Singh
Then for review from Michelle Blankenship from Bloomsbury Publishing via Netgalley, I got:
Doomed by Tracy Deebs (ARC)
I looooove Tracy's Tempest's series--third one has been contracted! So hopefully that comes out next year or 2014!--so I thought I would give this one a try! It's supposed to have a bit of the Pandora Myth weaved into it, plus video game world stuff. Sounded interesting!
And speaking of Tracy Deebs and her Tempest's books,--which is really funny that I happened to get Doomed and this both this week!--I saw this necklace online at an Etsy shop--TanButteryflyJewels--and it reminded me of the one Tempest got from Mark. And so I thought I just have to have it! I debated about it for awhile and when I saw it was still there I went ahead and bought it! And it came this week:
And that was what I got this week! Only added 2 more books to the mountains! So not bad! What did you get?