Seriously my favorite commercial from the Superbowl last night:
My mom has always loved the Clydes and since they're still sort of a St. Louis thing, I've come to love them as well! Love their commercials from past Superbowls and this year is no different!
Then the other commercial that I found myself enjoying was an unexpected surprise.
Yeah...wasn't expecting this! I never saw the first one, had no plans to. Kind of tired of the "music" movies.
But then I saw the preview they showed:
Now my mom is also a fan
of Greenbay Packers since my aunt lives in Wisconsin too! And yeah, I
like them too! Mostly because Clay. Matthews. And HE SINGS! For at least
what, 2 minutes in this movie? Maybe. At the most! But still I think I
HAVE to see it just for that tiny little piece of film! I have a theater
that charges $4.50 for early movies and I think that will be money well
What's funny is when the preview started I was like omg, another one? I was literally saying I can't believe they made another st...the announcer in the preview shouts The Greenbay Packers! My mom and I look at each other and were oogling Clay signing!!
And this little piece wasn't shown in full in that preview, which was a sin against nature! Saw this on the Packers website depicting the reason I must see this movie! And yes, I probably watched this little gif for like 10 minutes after discovering it...maybe 20...ish. ;)