This was the best gif of 11 that I could find that has a sort of celebratory theme to it, so hence the awkward gif present! Lol. 11 is a big number for blogging I feel like! Double digits alone show my devotion to this little blog that I've come to love despite some of its cobwebs. LOL!
So for all of you who have been with me since day one or even just yesterday...THANK YOU! Thank you for visiting my blog, thank you for following my blog! Thank you all for the all the comments! I read them all every day and I know one of these days I will get around to installing Disqus so I can comment back easier to them and you can know when you get a reply back to your comment should there be a question of some sort in it! You'd think after 11 years I would've gained some tech savvy with this blog, but sadly, not. I've no one in my scope of people here who knows tech savvy things to help me out or give me a starting foot, so I'm slow to make changes to things.
Also because I still really do love my header and look to the blog!
But anyway, onto the contest. I keep getting sidetracked! Lol.
Prize 1: I have up for grabs is a SIGNED set of Brigid Kemmerer's A Curse So Dark and Loney AND A Heart So Fierce and Broken:
This portion of the contest is US addresses only! You can live somewhere else and use another US address to qualify but for shipping purposes it has to be a US address.
Prize 2: $25 (USD) worth of books! If you're a US winner you can opt for a $25 Amazon or B&N gift card if you so choose, International winners will get to choose books from The Book Depository, so as long as TBD ships to you, you're in!
To enter the contest you must be at least 13 years or older or have your parent's permission. Having a valid US address is a must for Prize 1! For Prize 2 TBD must be able to ship to you (for international winners). And that's it!
EDIT: I'm adding a prize! I decided I will also include 1 SIGNED Newly Redesigned Cover edition of ANY Lunar Chronicles book: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, or Winter! I'll be meeting Marissa after this contest ends, and IF it's possible, I will try to get the book personalized, but I can't guarantee it.
This added giveaway prize will be US addresses only, so the above applies, if you're international and can use a US address, you're in! Same rules as well being 13 or older or with a parent's permission to enter. ;)