Oct 8, 2020

Random Thursday

It's looking like each section in Shane Carley's True Facts That Sound Like Bull$#*t contains about 100 factoids.

(image borrowed from Colorado Public Radio)
Monogamous animals in nature include wolves, beavers, and swans.

I knew wolves were among them but never really thought about beavers or swans!

(image borrowed from Disney Wiki)
The Chrysopelea is a type of snake known as a "flying snake" for it can jump from trees and glide for distances over 300ft.

And I am now scarred for life! Yeah, I went the safe route with this picture choice! LOL!

(my image)
Dogs can read human body language and thus "sense your mood."

This is a very old picture of my doggos. Sadly the one on the left is now in heaven. But this dogs could definitely sense my mood because he'd be a little snothead when I dogsat when my parents went out of town! LOL!

(image borrowed from National Geographic)
Platypuses can poison you. The males have barbs on their hind legs that contain a venom that is highly toxic. It won't necessarily kill you, but it can cause a lot of pain.

Dude. Did not know that! Must be why the Beanie Baby had a girl name! Lol.

(image borrowed from BBC)
Vampire bats really do drink blood. Usually just cows, but it's likely where we get parts of the vampire myth.

This I did know!