Oct 4, 2020

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.


Well I survived my week of training and it was pretty brutal. Mostly because I was trying to learn more about a very wide span program we used daily for just about everything. On top of trying to learn these things I was also staying on top of contracts that came in, which seemed to be a heavy amount for the early part of the week. It was insane. It also didn't help that the training seemed to have no structure. It just kind of went all over the place. Like here's how you do A, here's how you do X, then this is how G is done. It was nuts! I'm just glad its over! Lol!

Fall weather arrived this week as well and omg, I am LOVING IT!!! I've waited all year long for this weather I feel like it! Summer last eons here, so that we had Fall weather in the early part of October feels a little unusual! But I'll take it!

Anyways, here's what I got this week:

The Glass Queen by Gena Showalter
#noescape by Gretchen McNeil--FINALLY found a copy! B&N did not have it in stores during release week, last week my B&N only had a damaged copy, this week another B&N had it...but they only just got their copies in so I had to have someone go digging in back, but it was at least unharmed this time!
Haunted Homicide by Lucy Ness--was happy to find this one during release week at least!

Other fun buys this week:
I got this super cool Haunted Mansion/Madame Leota snow-globe from Hot Topic! I thought it was too cute! And it lights up (right)! The color changes and every time I tried to capture it with my camera I got blue, so here's blue light! LOL!

Yes, I ordered another Gingerbread Mickey from the Disney Store. But this time, they had Minnie too! So I needed a matching set! Lol! They took forever to arrive. During the time they were on the website, then disappeared, then reappeared, then Mickey disappeared! And yesterday when I was at the Outdoor Mall they like to call an "Outlet Mall" I saw them at the Disney Store there. I was a little aggravated by that but then I came home to find them waiting on my porch, so yay!

And finally, I got my preorder gift for The Damned! Just as I saw a fellow blogger showing off hers while I was at dinner, I was thinking ahh! They're being delivered and mine wasn't here yet! I come home to find it too on my porch! LOL!

Love the details on this! And since I've tiny wrists, it fit pretty perfectly! Lol.

So what all did you get this week?