Oct 1, 2020

Review--The Merciless III by Danielle Vega

Brooklyn knows that there's no good without evil, no right without wrong. And when a helpless girl calls her teen helpline, whispering that someone is hurting her, Brooklyn knows that she needs to save her anonymous caller, even if it means doing something bad.

Her parents and friends assure her the call was probably a prank but Brooklyn has always had a tendency to take over, whether someone has asked for help or not.

She discovers the call came from Christ First Church and finds herself plunged into the cultish community of its youth group. She's especially drawn to Gavin, the angelic yet tortured pastor's son.

Torn between an unstoppable attraction to Gavin and her obsession with the truth, Brooklyn is forced to make a devastating choice to rid Christ Church of evil once and for all. . . . But the devil has plans for Brooklyn's soul.



Danielle Vega, mistress of YA horror brings us the origin story of Brooklyn in The Merciless III and how she would soon become the villainess in Sofia's story. But in reality, she was just another girl, just life Sofia. Brooklyn wasn't perfect, but she wasn't evil either...but as we learn demons can sense the potential for evil everywhere.

Brooklyn has just started her own teen helpline at school. With all the bad things that are happening lately around town, she figures if teens have someone they can talk to, perhaps the tragic suicides wouldn't have happened. Her first night doesn't go well and just before she calls it quits she gets a call from a girl who is being abused but hangs up before giving more information. With some help she learns the call came from a church phone number but no on answers the door when the police come calling.

It's a few days later when she convinces her friend to go a Christian battle of the bands concert that meets Gavin, the son of a pastor in a very big and popular church. He and his sister, Hope, are in a band. She is quickly smitten with Gavin who in turn seems smitten by her. Though when she later catches bruises on Hope's back, she starts to wonder what goes on behind closed doors at the pastor's family home.

Whoa. Just whoa. In this book we see the sinister and evil Brooklyn as just a normal girl. Sure she wasn't perfect, but she wasn't evil either. All the while...we know what the eventual outcome would be, yet we still don't know what path Brooklyn will take to get there. It still made for a surprising read!

Like any other Vega book, this book was dark and creepy! And that's before the demons came into the picture. This book definitely had a darker and more sinister theme to it I think than the previous ones. Those were still pretty freaky too.

It amazes me by how surprising the events were in the end for this one. Again, I pretty much knew Brooklyn would start making bad choices because you know, she's possessed in Sofia's books but it's still pretty mind-blowing by how far reaching this demonic possession was going on. You wonder how it came to be in the other people too. It makes me wonder though, are we dealing with the same demon time and time again or is a new demon being created when the next teen commits a dark sin? 

In a creepy and chilling conclusion we see how Brooklyn's story merges with Sofia's as there's that little moment where Brooklyn first "meets" Sofia on her first day of school. I liked how Danielle brought the two stories together like that. I can honestly say that this series isn't for the faint of heart! The Merciless III is a dark and brutal story, but it makes for a perfect Halloween read!



Overall Rating 4.5/5 stars





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