Oct 30, 2014

Follow Friday

This is a weekly blog meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

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This week's question is: What books would you give to newbies in your favorite genre? (Ex. I’m a newbie to high fantasy and EVERYONE said to ease into it with the Throne of Glass series!)  via Take Me Away… 

MY ANSWER: Ooh I like this one! I actually did this with my BFF when she said she wanted to read more Urban Fantasy (or paranormal themed books) since she only read Twilight.

I was MORE than happy to help! So for newbies to paranormal books I recommend:

Stray by Rachel Vincent (Shifters series)--one of my faves and think is a great starter read that gives you something other than vampires and werewolves, though those are great too!
Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost (Night Huntress series)--though not necessarily one of my first paranormal reads, it was one that I ended up loving! Because vampires! And BONES!!
Bitten by Kelley Armstrong (Otherworld series)--one of my first ones, though I didn't start with Bitten and I actually did find myself a tad confused, I don't think I was quite ready for it at the time. That one was Dime Store Magic, but probably a year or two later I picked up Bitten and LOVED it because werewolves!! It was soooo exciting and good! And then I was pretty much hooked on the series!
Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison (Hollows series)--one of my first adult reads and one series that I have grown to LOVE and ADORE! I still need to read the last book, but I am kind of dreading it just because it's the last book! This was a series I fell in love with because at that time the majority of paranormal books I came across were heavy on the romance and that's still not something I like. Romance in the story is fine, but HEAVY on the romance? No, no thank you.

Our example said fantasy and I cannot help but recommend one of my all time favorite series that is fantasy that I LOVE! It's not the heavy or complex fantasy that we would see in Lord of the Rings either.

Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder (Study series)!--This was my first fantasy read and it. Was. AWE. SOME! I loved it! I remember reading it my first semester in college before the second book came out and I was just soooo engrossed in the story! I was fearful that it would be confusing, because you know, sometimes fantasies can be that way! Other than the sometimes hard to pronounce name it wasn't hard to grasp at all! Maria fast became a favorite author for me and I remain a huge fan of her work! I loooooooooooove this series to death! I even re-read the first book a time or two back when I had that kind of time!

And the BEST news ever is that Yelena's story is continuing NEXT YEAR! In February, her fourth Study book will be out and I am already looking forward to it! I know some people didn't really care for her Healer or even her Glass trilogies, but I loved those both too! So if you want shining reviews on those, I have them in my archives if you just search for them in my search box thingy! I don't think I have the Study books reviews, that was preblogging years for me.