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This week's question is: Book Merchandise - show off some of your stuff - posters, t-shirts. Whatever you got! - Suggested by Becky's Barmy Book Blog
MY ANSWER: Ooh nice! I actually have quite a variety of items! T-shirts, posters, jewelry...those were the things I could immediately think of! Check them out:
My poster of one of my FAVE books covers!! And I even got Jen to sign it!!
A portion of my bookish t-shirt collection! Most of these shirts I bought from Woot! Some from Anderson's, which I do have more of those but this already took 2 pictures to feature! And that right there in the bottom corner of the pic on the left is my very specially made shirt that signifies my Honorary Membership to AYE! ;)
Bookish jewelry! I always showcase this off to you guys! The first pic is a variety of items: an Iron Fey necklace and bracelet from Hebel Designs
a necklace like the one off the Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells cover from Rock Love Jewelry
the Unremembered locket from Hebel Designs
The rose necklace from the Covenant series by Hebel Designs
an Obsidian crystal from the Lux series by Hebel Designs
the Chotoki bracelet--think I spelled that right--from Vampire Academy series by Cadaswan jewelry
and at the bottom is the exclusive no longer available Kim Harrison jewelry which features the charm bracelet with added charms from Outlaw Demon Wails freebie and a blue butterfly that was purely Al, and a tomato!
Plus a wish token that's also a Kim Harrison design--you got the charm and I threw it on a gold chain!
Then the photo on the right is my Scrabble tile jewelry featuring some of my fave covers (Origin [again!] and 13 to Life [duh]) and the middle one naturally says Book Nerd!
Here are the Chibi sculptures I've bought from Julie Kagwa on her Etsy shop! An Ash, Puck and 3 Dragons! I dragon with her book (Iron Queen) and one dragon that's a gargoyle! And naturally, one that's just a regular dragon!
A Book Junkie sign that's on top of one of my bookshelves, to warn people as they enter my room! LOL! And a little Vampire Mickey...we can call him bookish because I like books with vampires in them...and Disney! ;)
2 random sculptures that depict reading! One's just a fairy reading a book that I got from a friend YEARS ago! The other is a Willow Tree one I got for Xmas last year!
My book mark collection...I think I need a bigger box to hole them all now!
My "book" bag bedazzled with bookish pins I've obtained from authors over the years. It doesn't really get any use now with all the pins because I'm paranoid to lose any of them! One actually fell off as I hung it off my bed post!
Now hopefully, all these pictures appear after all my hard work! Whew!