Oct 29, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday

I hate waiting...
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights releases we're eagerly awaiting.

Okay, the book I initially planned for this one ended up being one I got early for review...which I still need to read, hopefully this week! So I'm changing it to one with very little info unfortunately. But last Friday, Rachel Vincent revealed on her blog that she will be writing a Shifters series spinoff!

Lion's Share so far doesn't have a cover or description. Or a permanent release date, but Rachel so far says she's shooting for the end of the year! So fingers crossed tightly that that will be the case!

Soooooo, in the meantime I would urge all Shifters fans to buy the new edition of HUNT! This was a short story originally in the anthology Chicks Kick Butt, but she has added an ADDITIONAL 2000 words to the story! So this in a sense is a NEW story! She's added a little story fodder to help steer us in the direction of Lion's Share AND you get a peek at chapter 1 at the end of the story! So more reason to rebuy or buy for the first time!

And I have that one waiting for ME on my Kindle! :D