Sep 6, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #322


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. What role have librarians played in your reading journey? Do you have any recommendations for books or fond recollections involving librarians? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Well, I don't have many memories at the library to be perfectly honest. I remember in elementary school days, I did enjoy our library days. At my earliest age, we had a very nice librarian. These were the days where she would read us a story and then we had time to browse the books and check them out.

I want to say her name was Mrs. Weil? Something like that, pretty sure it began with a W! I feel like my happiest times were elementary school library days. I enjoyed picking out different storybooks. As I got a little older I chose the Dear America Diaries and of course, my favorite, The Random House Book of Fairy Tales! An assorted collection of fairy tales made child appropriate. I honestly, think most of them were in their near original format, obviously they might have been more adapted for easy reading for a child of 7 or so! But yeah. Pretty sure Cinderella's stepsisters still hacked off bits of their foot to try on the glass it wasn't totally "kid-i-fied!" 
I even remember checking out another book out a lot that was about ghosts/haunted houses. I don't remember the title or author, but I remember some of the pictures [very vaguely]. I believe one of them was one that came under scrutiny for being fake. But as a kid I probably didn't catch that as I was the 8-10 year old (estimating the age there) who enjoyed watching Haunted History with my mom!

So yes, I remember my early school day trips to our school library being very fond! And of course, that was always where the Scholastic Book Fair was held! So it was a book haven for me in my youthful days!

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