Sep 11, 2024

Let's Discuss: Reading Schedules

How often do you stick to your reading schedule? As in what you plan to read on a weekly, monthly or however far in advance basis? I find that I do okay for the most part but then I get too ambitious or don't realize the formatting of the books I want to read is set up in a way that it will take me way longer to read than anticipated. Or suddenly there will be an event I want to attend and I throw myself into reading books to "prepare" for that one!


Reading Schedules


So generally in October, I love to read spooky books just for the sake of Halloween! Well, that hasn't happened in the last year or two, mainly because Stephanie Garber's books were releasing in October and I did a rare re-read of the books to be ready for the current one! While I had hope I could maybe re-read the Caraval trilogy this year in advance of Spectacular's release, I'm starting to think that might not be possible. 

Currently I am going back to a series I've been meaning to finish for years as I plan to make a road trip to see the author plus another author I love, and one I never read at an event at Andersons! So I thought, let's finish that OG series of his, try to buy the other 2 books to this trilogy that's finishing that he's touring for and maybe try to read one or two of my other author's books that I haven't gotten around to! I have a standalone or two of hers, plus a series I never started. I am perhaps deluding myself in thinking I can finish the last 3 books of the one author AND read the first book of this author AND order the rest of the books and have them all arrive in time for said signing. It's futile. I would have to order them all sooner rather than later to play it safe and I may end up doing that this week.

But anyway, this got me thinking, this was so not how I was planning my tentative fall reading schedule a few months ago! I never set my "reading schedule" in stone. Obviously. Things change. Signings pop up at the last minute that I can maybe reroute myself for and read a book in time. Or other times not. Like I had wanted to read one in time for a signing this week but when I looked at the formatting and length of the books for my October 1 signing event, I knew there was no way I could afford the time for this week's event. Luckily, there shouldn't be spoilers from that book 2 for this book 3 as it's a same world, different characters kind of thing.

But yeah. Every season or so, I'll do the Top Ten Tuesdays post for what I plan to read that season and I cannot say how many times I do not complete all 10 of those choices. I might get 2-3 at most, if I am lucky. Lol. But yeah. It's also hard to say what kind of events will be happening at the beginning of the actual season. Like I have drafted my top 10 picks for the fall season of what I hope to read and I'll probably only get to 2-3 of them! Lol. Of course, I never really list ALL of them. Like for the series I am trying to wrap up now, I am tentatively hoping that I will be reading the second of three books I need to have, so I'll either list just that second one or change it to the third and call it done! Usually, I'll leave a note in my list saying I am tentative planning to finish said series technically I have over 10 picks that I hope to read for the season! Lol. Which can possibly be the reason why I don't always read all 10 of my picks listed!

I also had hoped I could re-read the Caraval trilogy before Spectacular but now I am unsure if that will happen based on my average reading pace and how busy I'll be at work in the coming weeks. We're in the busy season, so yeah, I might not get my full break in because I am that weirdo who will work through my break time if needed! I probably don't have to re-read the books for the enjoyment and I know Stephanie has said the same. If anything I might want to re-read Legendary and Finale...or maybe Finale at the very least just to get in the right vibes. But even then I feel like I'll still be okay, because then I remembered I signed up for a possible book tour at the end of September. But I don't know if I was "chosen" yet. While I do enjoy doing these on occasion, I feel like the book comes at the last minute almost based on the the dates I signed up for! Like I can't read THAT fast and do my actual job in the time that I have left before my schedule date! So that might end up mucking up even my own personal reading schedule.

Time will tell on that front I guess!


But yeah, my main question: do you stick to the reading queue/schedule you set for yourself? Do you plan your reads in advance? How often do you have to shift things due to other occurrences, like wanting to read a book before an author event that popped up at the last minute that you really want to attend?

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