Sep 9, 2024

Review--My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine


True love is at stake in this charming, debut romantic comedy.

Cassie Greenberg loves being an artist, but it’s a tough way to make a living. On the brink of eviction, she’s desperate when she finds a too-good-to-be-true apartment in a beautiful Chicago neighborhood. Cassie knows there has to be a catch—only someone with a secret to hide would rent out a room for that price.

Of course, her new roommate Frederick J. Fitzwilliam is far from normal. He sleeps all day, is out at night on business, and talks like he walked out of a regency romance novel. He also leaves Cassie heart-melting notes around the apartment, cares about her art, and asks about her day. And he doesn’t look half bad shirtless, on the rare occasions they’re both home and awake. But when Cassie finds bags of blood in the fridge that definitely weren’t there earlier, Frederick has to come clean...

Cassie’s sexy new roommate is a vampire. And he has a proposition for her.

I finally picked up Jenna Levine's My Roommate is a Vampire and this is the perfect read for the paranormal lover at heart, looking for something that is more lighthearted than dark and brooding! This was such a fun and cutesy read that my dark side almost shuddered! Lol. Honestly, I enjoy a cute paranormal read every now and then, one where things are less dire and serious, but still paranormally fun!

Cassie is in need of a place to live and when she finds the ad for what has to be a gorgeous apartment based on its location listed for an incredibly low price, she thinks there has to be a catch. But when she meets Frederick Fitzwilliam she is shocked to learn that all is as he proclaimed, even if he seemed perturbed but her shock. Frederick is definitely what one would call an old-soul. But Cassie doesn't realize just how old-school he really is until she learns the shocking truth.

Cassie goes a short time just thinking Frederick is peculiar and sweet, but when she learns he is actually a vampire, well, you can imagine how things might have went! After taking time to digest the information, she learns why Frederick was looking for a roommate. His friend and fellow vampire, Reginald, accidentally poisoned him that led him to take a 100 year nap. Reginald has awakened to a new century and needs a bit of guidance in navigating pretty much every technology wise. Since Cassie still needs to live somewhere, she decides to take on the challenge of teaching an old vampire several new tricks!

This was seriously just a very cute read! I shock myself sometimes by how I can enjoy these paranormal rom coms! If there wasn't that added dose of paranormally goodness to it, I definitely wouldn't be able to handle reading these, but thankfully, we've got vampires! Lol. 

Cassie was a fun character too! I could totally relate to her in the whole trying to find the right job and be independent and have somewhere you can afford to live. That she could afford a Chicago-area apartment beforehand on her own was astonishing! I know she has at least two jobs and she's also an artist, so she spends whatever free time she has creating her art which is definitely on the modern side. I found it very intriguing how she uses recyclables and things other people throw away to create her pieces. They would really be something to see for sure!

Then of course there's the romance! You can definitely see a budding romance growing between Frederick and Cassie! It was definitely sweet! Frederick is as old-school as one can get since he was already a century or two old before he slept for another century! Before each chapter we were treated to something that was usually his own point of view, as the story is told from Cassie's, but we got to know Frederick a little more with these added snippets that were usually emails, text messages with Reginald, or letters even! It is through these letters in particular that we see a plot twist coming up, as there is someone from Frederick's past who is coming to collect something from him! Cue the dramatic music on that one!

I did think the resolution to the whole last minute problem came about just as quickly and easily. It almost felt like this was thrown in as an after thought. Like we need a little bit more conflict in here for good measure but let's resolve it quickly. I just felt like the conflict and resolution were so quick that it almost felt pointless to have it there in the first place.

The ending was as sweet as you could expect. I did make a few guesses as to where I thought things were headed and while there was nothing concrete, I did love that the "up in the air" feeling felt right for Cassie and Frederick. But honestly, we all know what's going to happen! Lol. 

So if you're looking for that cute little paranormal rom com with a good dose of Buffy binging, then this is definitely the read for you! I took a peek at the sequel and saw we'd be in the same world but with different characters, albeit ones we've met, and I am so excited for that one as well! I'm actually half pondering about a third book too! Lol. Time will tell of course!

Overall Rating 3.75/5 stars--yup the awkward rating. I feel like it was a bit too cutesy and not enough conflict to be a full 4 stars, but I did find it more enjoyable than a 3.5! Hence the elusive awkward rating!

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