Sep 5, 2024

Books from the Backlog #99


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books.



The saga of Macey Gardella continues in the second volume of award-winning, New York Times bestselling author Colleen Gleason’s Roaring Trilogy...

In the dark underworld of Jazz Age speakeasies and gangsters, Macey Gardella finds herself caught up in a dangerous alliance with Al Capone. The murderous crime boss squires her about Chicago, showing her off as his moll while she struggles to fulfill her duty hunting the undead on the midnight streets.

She’s learned the brutal lesson of loss and betrayal that comes to those who live out the legacy of the Venators, walking away from her friends, co-workers, and even Grady—the intrepid newshawk who seems to dog her every movement.

But when the worst comes to pass, and the powerful Venator alliance of Sebastian Vioget, Chas Woodmore, and Macey herself stumble in the face of the insidious evil of Nicholas Iscariot, even Macey has cause to question her motives and decisions.

And when the ultimate sacrifice must be paid, who will remain to wield the stake—and who will walk away? 


I read the original Gardella Vampire Hunters series so long ago that a few years later when Colleen Gleason wrote a spinoff that had the "new" Gardella vampire hunter, I knew I had to read it! I actually read the first book right away, but for some reason Roaring Shadows has remained on my TBR pile since it was added in January of 2016. There were just 3 books in this series with 2 novellas from the "hero's" point of view. I can't remember if I bought those or not. But I do remember enjoying the OG series and I enjoyed the first book of Macey's! The OG one was more "Victorian" time period and as you can see from this cover, this is more "Jazz Age!" It was fun...I'm just hoping I can get back into this easily or if I might need to reread the first book!





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