Sep 10, 2024

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

"Meeting Frederick in person had apparently put Sam's mind at ease that I wasn't living with a serial-killer monster. Which was great, of course. Even if a bit ironic, since Frederick was a literal monster." p 202-203

TITLE: My Roommate is a Vampire
AUTHOR: Jenna Levine
GENRE: Paranormal Romance
RELEASE DATE: August 29, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top 10 Books That Provide a Much Needed Escape

*in no particular order

10. WHAT THE RIVER KNOWS by Isabel Ibanez--a very lush descriptive world of Egypt! I felt like Ibanez really painted a fascinating picture here and the danger and mystery and romance were just added icing on the cake!
9. TIGER LILY by Jodi Lynn Anderson--one of the more unique takes on Peter Pan! I mean, you can't go wrong with an escape to Neverland!
8. ECHOES by Alice Reeds--this might not be a happy escape but man is it a trip! Trapped on a deserted island with your worst enemy and it's a bat$#*t crazy island a la LOST style!

7. IN NIGHTFALL by Suzanne Young--probably not a happy escape, but it definitely puts you into a thrilling and dangerous suspenseful state of mind! This was a read that kept me guessing for a little while, you knew something weird was going on, but I remember having another theory entirely!
6. DOON by Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon--the lush and misty hills of Scotland, but involving time travel and just being a perfect fantasy read!
5. DEMON IN MY VIEW by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes--okay, another odd choice, but in this escape a young author learns that the characters she wrote about are very real and were not too happy to have their stories told by her! Definitely a fun paranormal read and a look at very early YA Paranormal!

4. OLD MAGIC by Marianne Curley--another classic choice! Magic, time traveling, putting an end to a centuries long curse? Plus an Australian setting, this book just screams escape!
3. THE FORBIDDEN GAME TRILOGY by L.J. Smith--I tend to forget this is 3 books since I bought the old school omnibus years ago! But a group of friends play an "innocent" boardgame only to be sucked into a game of their own creation and must battle their nightmares in order to survive!
2. ONCE UPON A BROKEN HEART by Stephanie Garber--this whole trilogy was lush with beautiful and wonderful places! Sure there might have been a few terrifying things here or there, but it was still a gorgeous setting and world to escape to!

1. CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber--and to no one's surprise, the #1 book of escapism is this one! Playing a game with an array of "actors" who you don't always know are actors or players all for a chance to win a wish! This trilogy was yet another magical escape that I could not get enough of!

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