Sep 12, 2024

Books from the Backlog #100


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books.


Sixteen-year-old Josie Ferguson has just lost both her parents. She is sent to live with an unknown aunt and uncle in a town on the stormy northwest coast of Scotland. But the townspeople, including her relatives, are as cold and hostile as the sea.

Josie has never felt so alone.

Then Eli appears. Mysterious but kind—and handsome—he sparks a desire in Josie unlike anything she has ever experienced. Even though she’s been warned that Eli is forbidden, she can’t stop thinking about him.

And the locals are harboring a secret. When curious, determined Josie sets out to uncover it, the truth is more horrific than she could have imagined.

It’s a truth terrible enough to raise the spirits of the dead.



MY ONE HUNDREDTH POST! I added Forbidden by Eve Bunting to my TBR pile in January of 2016, I could've possibly gotten it as a Christmas gift in December as it had just released, but I can't remember. That bad habit of sometimes forgetting to add my books to Goodreads right away! Whoops! Lol. This one sounded very intriguing and mysterious. I wasn't positive if the "spirits of the dead" were literal ghosts or not but I was curious enough to want to find out! I still do too as reading this again has me excited for it again! Lol.




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