Sep 1, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--The Impulse Edition


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.

Another week come and gone. More fretting over where my B&N preorders are as they never arrive when they say they will. So that's always fun...if by fun you mean stressful! Then I went to B&N solo yesterday during their triple punches sale...damage was done. Nothing extreme, but 3 books, 2 being hardcovers is a pricey adventure! 1 of the hardcovers though is a Christmas gift, so might as well shop now and get those extra punches so I can buy an easy peasy copy of Spectacular in October while I fret over where my preorders are as B&N all but sends them around the country and media mail packages arrive before theirs! Honestly, other than mail travesties, the week was just mundane. I finally have a book signing to go to this coming week since my only August one was canceled and never rescheduled, still waiting on word for that to happen, but the author is traveling the UK again, so I got to hope she doesn't catch Covid again and delay the process all over again. Fingers crossed!

Here's what I ended up getting this week:

The Temptation of Magic by Megan Scott--I heard about this one recently and I made an impulsive shopping decision because I was by myself!
Where He Can't Find You by Darcy Coates--another impulsive choice!
The Champions by Kara Thomas--B&N edition! Although I LOVE purple, I love the green of this! It first had me thinking of chalkboards, but then I also thought football fields too!
The Madness by Dawn Kurtagich--keeper copy

Then during one of the preorder sales, I saw B&N had this and you know me, I couldn't resist! Although to save money and shelf space, I think I am starting to limit myself to just 1 book of the series when they're pretty covers...unless it's something I must have the whole set for! We'll see! Lol.

Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber--Spanish edition

Then I got my Fairy Loot edition of Lexi Ryan's latest release:

Beneath These Cursed Stars by Lexi Ryan--Fairy Loot edition

Then I somehow won a Novl Box! It was a total surprise when this showed up at my door! Like seriously, UPS didn't even notify of me of this one!


Then I got my preorder gift for Death at Morning House:

THANK YOU Epic Reads!

Then I also got my preorder gift for The Champions as well:

THANK YOU Kara Thomas!!

And that was it for me this week! Not too shabby, but I am definitely wincing a little at my B&N receipt! Lol. But early Christmas shopping too! I'm ahead of the game! What all did you get this week?

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