Sep 10, 2024

Let's Discuss: For the Love of Bookmarks


So the other day I saw a t-shirt that said: Bookmarks are For Quitters. Now I've seen this and other similar sayings and I have to say, it really, really aggravates me!

For the Love of Bookmarks

Now first, let me just say, I know these shirts and such are meaning any ill will to bookmarks and the people who use them. These are simply readers who have lots of time to read all the way through a book from start to finish. They must read insanely fast! Lol.

But see, I'm the reader who savors every word. I put myself into the story, I imagine all the scenes and visuals. I live inside the book! Which tends to be why I read a little slower these days. Lol.

There's also the fact that I might sneak in a few pages or sometimes just a paragraph or two when I'm really "not supposed" to be reading. Not like at traffic lights when driving, lol. Never anything that would cause me or others harm. But also in times like when you're waiting for the doctor and sure enough they always walk in mid chapter, so a bookmark is necessary to stop the book after all that time!

There's also times when you need to eat and the the meal might not be the kind to eat one-handed or is just messier and it's better to put the book down far from the mess! Or like when you need to shower and such because you've been reading for so many days and you know, you need a shower! Or that dreadful nuisance called sleep. I mean seriously, if there's one thing I wish I could give up and still be a "healthy and functional" human being, it's sleep! I could get SO much more reading done if I didn't need those 8 hours and I'm lucky if I get 8 hours even with a sleep aid. I have a mind that's always running a mile a minute!

So this is the kind of thing I end up doing, I nit pick at things like this when people want to call bookmarks "quitter strips." I love bookmarks! Like legit love them because I have soooooo many of them as well! They are fun and I love coordinating them with my books when possible, either by color, theme or saying or whatever similarity I can see between them.

So for the sake of argument, I am against the idea of bookmarks betting "quitter strips." I think they are great devices to the reader because they are necessary. I mean, are you going to tell the doctor to wait another 50-75 minutes until you finish the book to come back to your physical? I think not. You'd need a bookmark for that! Lol.

So I guess I'll just ask, what's your opinion on bookmarks? In whatever form you choose, be it an actual bookmark, a scrap of paper, a pencil, or *shudders* dog-earring. Are you a fan of the bookmark? Or do you consider it a "quitter strip?"

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