Nov 29, 2010


Okay so I am totally psyched for the release of Shadowfever, the fifth and final book in Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. Was totally blown away by this series and am dying to read Shadowfever. But it doesn't come out until January 18, 2011! Argh!

But when I was looking at my fave blogs this morning, I saw over at SciFiGuy that the book had a release date for December 14, 2010! But when I checked at all the book websites, Borders, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, etc, they still all say January 18, 2011.

I think it's still January 18, I would love for it to be December 14, talk about a WONDERFUL early birthday present! But I have my doubts, I can't find anything that says it releases December 14, other than SciFiGuy's blog.

I get so confused when I hear two different things regarding release dates or other bits of info, especially when I thought I knew it and I really like the other answer better anyway! So what does everyone else think?