Nov 30, 2010

Review--ARC Desires of the Dead by Kimberly Derting


When Violet Ambrose's morbid ability to sense the echoes of those who've been murdered leads her to the body of a young boy, she draws the attention of the FBI. She is reluctantly pulled into an investigation that will endanger more than just her secret...but her relationship and possibly her life as well.

I finished Kimberly Derting's Desires of the Dead today and it was pretty good. I will admit that I liked The Body Finder a little more, but still this was a GREAT read and I'm glad I read it.

A few months have passed since the time of TBF and Violet is getting used to things going back to normal. With the exception of dating her best friend. But her life is about to take on a totally different spin now.

While on an outing with her best friend she senses a body in a barrel in Seattle near the harbor and at the time Violet tries to ignore it and write it off as a dead pigeon or seagull, something other than human, but when nightmares plague her, she goes back later to confirm her suspicions and then anonymously calls the police, but that is where her troubles begin, when someone from the FBI manages to track her down and wants to know exactly how she knew there was a dead body in the barrel.

If that wasn't enough, Violet soon realizes she has a stalker. And not the good kind--if there is such a thing. This person is obviously dangerous and it is this person whose head we get into. I made a guess to who it was and was right. And I figured it out fairly early which disappointed me. There wasn't enough mystery to it like there was in TBF. Or rather the mystery wasn't as mysterious or dangerous as it was in the first book and that was where part of the excitement and intrigue came from.

Of course Desires of the Dead was still intriguing and mysterious, because you don't know for 100% who the other narrator is. It gets totally confirmed later on and then there's still a mystery to be solved.

And there is a new character who is totally interesting! And the ending only confirmed more of my suspicions about this character! Won't say who it is or even the gender, only that the character was verrry interesting and mysterious and I so can't wait to learn more about the character in future books!

Overall it was decent, but another thing that distracted me was that there was the mystery that led the FBI to finding Violet, I went in thinking that this was the mystery to be solved, but it wasn't. And I totally missed it fading away because a new one came into the picture and it wasn't until the end that I realized that the first case was already closed.

I give the book 4/5 stars. Still a GREAT read, but I still really liked TBF better. I will most definitely will be sticking with this series, as it is still pretty interesting. I love a good mystery every now and then that has some sort of supernatural like elements, and Violet's special power fits into that category vaguely and that's enough for me.

This title will release on February 15, 2011