When the walls between Man and Fae come crashing down, freeing the insatiable, immortal Unseelie from their icy prison, MacKayla Lane is caught in a deadly trap. Captured by the Fae Lord Master, she is left with no memory of who or what she is: the only sidhe-seer alive who can track the Sinsar Dubh. a book of arcane black magic that holds the key to controlling both worlds.
Clawing her way back from oblivion is only the first step Mac must take down a perilous path, from the battle-filled streets of Dublin to the treacherous politics of an ancient, secret sect, through the tangled lies of men who claim to be her allies into the illusory world of the Fae themselves, where nothing is at it seems--and Mac is forced to face a soul-shattering truth.
Who do you trust when you can't even trust yourself?
OH MY GOD. Dreamfever was freaking amazing!! And it totally leaves you hanging. I advise you here and now that if you have never read the Fever series and are looking for a great new urban fantasy series to read with something other than vampires and werewolves, than this is the series for you. Although there is a vampire in it early on. There's still a ton of other Fae creatures and it is truly incredible. It being shelved in romance is totally unfounded, because there is mostly romantic tension that builds between Mac and Barrons and of course between Mac and V'lane!
But my advice, depending on how much reading time you have, try to time it right that you finish Dreamfever just before the release of the final conclusion, Shadowfever. Because there is one DOOZIE of a cliffhanger! Oh boy it's really bad! Because it's one that literally leaves you dangling off Mount Everest! It's so big! And I can only make guesses as to what it could be, but then I dismiss them because it's too easy, my guess seems like the likely answer and that's what makes me want to dismiss it. And now I have to wait 2 whole months to find out the answer. Thinking it might be safer to not preorder it so that way I can buy it bright and early on release day!
Moving on, Dreamfever picks up where we left off and Mac does the little recap we become used to. If you've made it this far, then you know Mac was in a bit of a pickle in Faefever which might make things difficult for her to tell her story, so Dani comes in for a little while. Hearing the story from Dani's p.o.v. was a different kind of pace. Since she's a teen and ambitious and has quite the potty-mouth she made things fun!
Mac does take over eventually, but she still isn't quite Mac. Barrons works with her to try to bring her back to herself and oh boy, was that a lot of work! Again, I won't say why, but if you're up to date, then you can take a fairly easy guess as to what happens!
But as the BOC says Mac does come back to herself and gets back to work on finding the book. There's more danger and still the same amount of action. It is truly hard to see Mac as the Barbie girl she started out as in book 1. I mean now she doesn't even turn to her bright colored clothing, those are a thing of the past. Mac has truly grown into a different kind of woman, she is no longer the peppy go to it girl, she's the down to business kind of gal.
I like the new Mac, I like that she had to become the new Mac and had to struggle to get there. I was put off by her Barbie-ness in the beginning, but even by the end of book 1 she was changing and I liked how she had to make the transition, that it wasn't automatic, it was a step by step process.
The world as Mac knows it will never be the same for chaos rules her world now. The Fae have escaped and now Mac and her associates--hard to call them friends--have to do everything they can to put order back to their world. Mac wants to find her sister's killer once and for all, she wants to know what Barrons is, she wants to live her life in a safe way without Fae interference, but will she ever get her HEA?
Trying to allude to the details here, but Mac takes quite a journey in this book and deals with a lot of confrontations and challenges and like I said, the ending leaves you absolutely hanging!!! So if you're new, like I said based on your reading speed, try to time it so that you finish Dreamfever just before Shadowfever releases, TRUST me on this! I had heard some stirrings about it, but I wanted to read the series since I had time and was in need of something to read, kind of regret it now, but I really don't know where I'll be job wise come January anyway so I wanted to be up to date.
My rating overall is of course 5/5 stars because I am totally addicted to this series and those first few chapters were quite the read! Things get back to somewhat normal a little quickly, but the action was still just as good!
Come on January!! 2 more months!!!