Didn't get too much this week, but since I got sooo much last week I wasn't that disappointed! Was finishing up the Fever series and loving it and dreading the 2 month wait to Shadowfever!
Anyway, this week I got an E-ARC of Half-Moon by Jordan Deen. I actually finished it already and have my review done, but it's going to have to wait. Check back a few weeks and I'll have a date for when Jordan will be stopping by for a short interview!
And while they're not books, I did get some other book-related goodies this week that I feel like sharing in my somewhat empty mailbox!
First is a book cover that I won in the Halloween contest at A Great Book is the Cheapest Vacation, that was gifted from Chas at LovLivLif Reviews!
Isn't cute! Little mummies with purple spiders! I like it! Haven't put it to use yet since I mostly read at home and no one really sees my book covers anyway! But it will come in handy later on I'm sure!!
Then the next thing I got is a little hard to see, but they're trading cards for Devon Monk's Allie Beckstrom series! From the top left we have Shamus, Terric, Zayvion, and Allie! And on the back is their "stats", birthday, age, hair, job, magic, eye color and then a short bio from Daniel Beckstrom!! Totally awesome if you ask me!! And Devon signed Zayvion's card!! These are seriously the coolest thing ever in author swag!! Thanks again Devon!!
So that's what came in my mailbox this week! What did you get?