Nov 14, 2016

IT'S HERE!!! The NEW Live Action Beauty & the Beast Preview!!

Despite being miserably sick today, this preview really cheered me up! Loved seeing so much newness to this film. Loved even more seeing all the familiarness. I got chills! Just like I did when I saw the original one for the first time!



  1. This looks so so good! I am beyond excited!

  2. I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS I'M DYING! Seriously though, March can't get here fast enough!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  3. I am SO very excited for this one!!! Its one of my favorite fairy tales and I adore Emma Watson----so I can just tell its going to be amazing.

  4. I almost started tearing up at the music. God, it's going to be so beautiful!

  5. I can't wait to see this, absolutely love Beauty and the Beast

  6. I got chills too, I can't WAIT to see this!!! The original is still my favorite Disney movie and this looks like it captures the same magic :)


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