Aug 11, 2017

Book Blogger Hop

This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict
This week's question is: Do you participate in readathons and/or reading challenges? (submitted by Kristin @ Lukten av Trykksverte)
MY ANSWER: Not so much readathons, but I sign up for challenges every year. Usually just ones I know I can complete from what I normally read. Right now I'm participating in the Goodreads Challenge, I pledged 100 books and I'm almost there!, a New Release Challenge, Series Ender Challenge, a Discussion Post Challenge, and then a TBR Challenge, though I didn't like how that one was set up, so I'll likely try finding another one for next year. One that basically has you set a number of TBR books for the year rather than per month. For that one I basically just pledged 1 per month. I surpassed 12 already, obviously, but I haven't read any TBR books yet for August, but thankfully I have time!