Oct 23, 2018

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE 
4. Name the title, author, etc.

Yes, I'm still reading this one! I was too exhausted every night last week to get much reading done. And even in lines I didn't want to use up my battery for it. The lines weren't all that bad either, so reading in line wasn't a necessity! Lol. Finishing this one today though!

Through the streaks of blood, I can see [redacted] inside, crumpled on the floor, and I scream.

The top of his* head is missing." Kindle loc. 62%

*since there's a gathering of guys and gals in this one, I don't feel like this little bit is too spoilery, because obviously with blood and a body, a person is dead! Dun dun DUUUUNNN!

TITLE: Relic
AUTHOR: Gretchen McNeil
PUBLISHER: Balzer + Bray
GENRE: YA Horror
RELEASE DATE: March 8, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week's topic is: Favorite Villains
*in no particular order 


10. THE DARKLING--I always felt like he was a somewhat misunderstood character. I loved him so and yeah, I was rooting for him through the very end!
9. CATH--a villain who wasn't all that villainous. She had a rough go of things and who can blame the Queen of Hearts now for her anger after seeing what happened to her?
8. ADELINA--another villain who didn't start out intending to be a villain. She was another character I was rooting for through the very end!
7. XIFENG--another of those characters who you just can't help buy sympathize for! She had a horrible childhood and you were practically rooting for her to commit all her evil acts. Will be interested to see how things will go with the next installment!


6. MALONE--ever since he came onto the page I never liked him! He was such a douche. He only got worse too as the series went on! 
5. THE KOMIZAR--I mean how could you not hate this guy?! I wanted him dead pretty much from the getgo!
4. PETER--I always find it interesting when the story twists and Peter becomes the villain! He was kind of scary like at times, but I mostly just hated the little twerp.


3. RAHIM--the boy who tried to take over Javan's identity. He was way too eeriely calm in his villainy. He was the one person you didn't want to cross because he was unpredictable!
2. JACKS--a complicated villain to be sure! He was very, very creepy! Like sociopath creepy!
1. THE COMMANDANT--another completely vile woman! One who you don't want to cross because daaaammmn, she's one scary beetch!

And of course, the most dastardly villain of all time and who forever sits above the top villains...




  1. Adelina is on my list too. Her character changed so much over the course of that series.

  2. Harry Potter has the most awful villains, I think.

    I’m always sad when a character moves from a good guy into a bad guy.

  3. Xifeng and The Darkling made my list this week too! They are both excellent villains.
    Cora | http://www.teapartyprincess.co.uk/

  4. Gives new meaning to "spoil"er. Depending on how long the top of the head has been missing. :)

    Mine: http://www.aliceaudrey.com/?p=16322

  5. Sounds good. It also sounds scary. This week I am featuring Wolf Rising by Paige Dixon. Happy reading!

  6. I weirdly kind of loved Jacks? I mean he was for sure creepy, but he was a very compelling villain. Cath I just felt bad for, she really wasn't intending to go all villain on us. Umbridge was just psychopathic!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/10/23/top-ten-tuesday-182/

  7. That's a dramatic moment in Relic! Thank you for sharing, Jessica. I love your list of villains - I completely agree with Umbridge, self-righteous fantatics are always lethal... My TT this week is about drama in space =

  8. YES to the Darkling! And tbh I actually kind of loved the Komizar in a love to love kind of way. Whoops! And totally agreed with Umbridge! I hate her!

  9. Umbridge is one of my favorite villains, too. I hated her so much!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  10. Yes The Darkling is such a great villain! And Peter is The Lost Boy was so great too! And so with you on Umbridge. Great list!


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