This week's question is: Do you take notes about the book you are reading as you read? (submitted by Elizabeth @
Silver's Reviews)
MY ANSWER: Yes. Yes I do! It used to be that I just took a few notes on the plot and whatnot in order to help me with my review later one, now I take notes on all the plot details right to the very end! Mostly so I can then transfer those notes into my "book journal" so I can reference all those notes come the following year (or possibly later) when I read the next installment, I'll have myself my own summary/recap of sorts so that I am not totally lost going in!
Wish I would've done this sooner because I've several series I am in the middle of that I didn't take these detailed notes, nor do I know where those initial notes are either! My notebook for note taking is anything but organized! Lol! Working to change that once I've used up all the available paper in this one!