The Beast's Heart by Leife Shallcross (5/3/18)
Slayer by Kiersten White (1/9/19)--Review to come at the end of December
Navigating the Stars by Maria V. Snyder (12/1/18)--Review coming soon!
What You Hide by Natalie D. Richards (12/4/18)
57 New Releases read as of today. I have at least 4 more books to read before the end of December to make my challenge! Can I do it?! I hope so!
CHALLENGE 2: Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2018
The Women in the Walls by Amy Lukavics (9/27/16)
In the Shadows by Kiersten White & Jim Di Bartolo (4/29/14)
39 TBR books read by the end of November, I have at least 9 more TBR books to read before the end of December. This is the one I am most fearful of failing!
CHALLENGE 3: 2018 Discussion Challenge
I am steadily losing steam in my discussion posts this year! Luckily I've already surpassed my goal and topped the highest tier. So I consider this one good and done!
CHALLENGE 4: 2018 Series Enders Reading Challenge
Luckily with this one I've completed my goal and managed to get in the top tier again! Though I am nearly done with my current read and that will add another to this one as well, so yay!
CHALLENGE 5: Goodreads Challenge
Another completed goal, so yay!