For such a short week, this week was pretty terrible! Work was crazy because we're very short staffed and it's making the customers unhappy and when they're unhappy, they call me! And since our manager can't be in the office but out helping the other drivers, I'm left with the unhappy people! Grateful for another short week next week, but I really need to utilize those days to start working on my billing which I was trying to do last week, but yeah...that didn't happen! Ready for the holiday break and hoping the Black Friday shopping doesn't send me over the edge! Lol.
It pretty much looks like my book that shipped earlier this month is just gone. It's lost. Or stolen. Or whatever happens to undeliverable mail! I've never ever had a book gone astray on me, so I am devastated. The bookstore will send me another one, I just have to wait for the author to return from tour and make another visit to the shop.
But anyway, here's what I got this week:
The Reckoning of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin--presigned keeper copy!
Archenemies by Marissa Meyer--SIGNED copy!
And then for review I received:
Navigating the Stars by Maria V. Sndyder (ARC)
And that was my haul! Within the next two weeks or so I should have a pretty awesome haul! What did you all get?