Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"A bearded man stood in front of a large window, barely visible through the summer sunshine. He was watching them, smiling, but Charles felt no warmth.
'Who lives there?' Charles whispered.
Minnie didn't turn around. 'No one. It's always empty. Let's go!"
Charles didn't take his eyes off the man until he and Minnie were safely through the fence, but he could feel the weight of his gaze all the way home." p 145
TITLE: In the Shadows
AUTHOR: Kiersten White
ARTIST: Jim Di Bartolo
PUBLISHER: Scholastic Press
GENRE: YA Dark Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: April 29, 2014
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Top Ten Platonic Relationships In Books
*in no particular order
10. JULIETTE & KENJI (SHATTER ME SERIES)--this was one of my favorite friendships to watch develop over time! I truly love their friendship. I really need to read the latest installment so I can return to this world!
9. HARPER & JACOB (A CURSE SO DARK AND LONELY)--this was one of my more recent reads. I have to admit, even though it didn't really show until the end, I loved the sibling relationship between Harper and Jacob!
8. IVY, JENKS, & RACHEL (THE HOLLOWS)--these three were a riot! They were all incredibly different! A vampire, a pixie, and a witch all living and working together under one roof! They went through hell and back for one another and honestly, you can't ask for better friends than that!
7. ROSE & LISSA (VAMPIRE ACADEMY)--another seriously great friendship! Rose always knew she was meant to protect Lissa, but of course, as they grow older, boys happen and then THINGS happen...and yet, their friendship remains true through the very end!
6. ARI & JANCO (STUDY SERIES)--there's no greater friendship than Ari and Janco! Seriously, these two were hilarious and just awesome! They tease each other and whatnot but they are still very good friends and always have each other's backs!
5. YELENA & LEIF (STUDY SERIES)--by the second book, Yelena learns she has a brother and while things are tense in the beginning, as the series moves on they fall back into their sister and brother roles seamlessly. I loved that about them! While they had some things to overcome, I loved that they are back to bickering like no time had passed!
4. SCARLETT & TELLA (CARAVAL)--while they didn't spend much time with one another in their separate books, I still admire their relationship! They are close with another and would do anything to help the other! I am extremely excited for Finale as this one will have both of their point of views, so I am hoping they will have some more together time!
3. ADEN & MARY ANN (INTERTWINED)--did you think I wouldn't not mention this one? Lol! When starting the series you'd almost think that they'd become a couple, but they don't! And I love that they maintain such a good friendship! They're willing to help one another with their supernatural problems, though Mary Ann was new to it all. And seriously after reading what the final final book would've been about, I was near tears! I sooooooo wish that it could've happened!
2. DEE, DAEMON, & DAWSON (LUX)--another trio of great siblings! While it took us to the final book to see them all together, again, it was almost like no time had went by when they got to joking around and whatnot! And it's another relationship that you see siblings willing to do whatever it takes to save the others and help them find their happiness!
1. HARRY, RON, & HERMIONE (HARRY POTTER)--I mean seriously, this is the trio that started all trios! Lol! There truly was never a better set of friends than these three!
FRED & GEORGE (HARRY POTTER)--yes there are other siblings involved with this family, but come on! We all know the best sibling pair was the twins!! I refuse to think of the final book's ending though. But these two were just great!